The bulk of your routine dental checkup at Wyandotte Family Dental focuses on cleaning your teeth and monitoring for signs of cavities and periodontal health problems. However, the dental exam also includes a basic screening for signs of oral and pharyngeal cancer. Early detection and diagnosis of these conditions can significantly improve your chances of treatment success while minimizing your... read more »
The relationship between genetics and your oral health is often discussed as a key factor for your smile, but brushing and flossing remain key treatments for achieving the clean mouth you desire. For a better understanding of the basics of genetics and your oral health, listed below are some important facts to ponder over: - Although genetics can increase your... read more »
A dental crown is often used to restore a tooth that suffered from a large cavity, significant dental fracture, or required treatment with a root canal. It is designed to completely replicate the original tooth enamel layer of the previously compromised tooth. Most dental crowns are made from dental porcelain, gold, or a special alloy of base metals. The specific... read more »
Filling materials such as gold, porcelain, amalgam, or composite resin are immune to the effects of tooth decay. Once they are bonded to a prepared area of tooth enamel, they can repair a cavity or chipped tooth for many years to come. Yet as time goes by, it is possible for the natural bacteria in your mouth to weaken the... read more »
You probably know that there are several things you may be able to do if you’d like to help your children stay healthy? For instance, you might know that following a healthy diet is an important part of keeping your child healthy, but did you know that there are a few things you’ll need to do to help your child... read more »
Tooth sensitivity can be a drag. It hurts when eating things like your favorite ice cream or drinking an ice cold soda. It can also be a good thing because the pain is letting you know there is an issue wrong with your tooth. You could be on the verge of losing a filling, gum disease, having a fractured tooth,... read more »